Motivation for the Month: May

It's finally May! Time for warm weather and swimsuits, and I honestly couldn't be happier to see May roll around the corner. We have had a fairly bad winter, with weather starting to actually warm up only this week. We got a ton of snow days, which was nice until I find out I am going to school until June 25th! Grr. One thing that I am not excited for, however, are the upcoming tests and stress that comes along with it. Teachers have already started talking about preparing for the finals, even though we still have about another month before we actually have to take them, but I am already hyperventilating. Thank goodness for this blog. There might be more posts than usual around when finals are, because this really helps me de-stress.

ANYWAYS, after really straying off topic, I know that I am going to need some major motivation to get through these last few months of school. I already have senioritis, and I am only a freshman! One thing I really want to work on is keeping up with all of my homework. Lately I've been procrastinating A LOT, which I have learned is a very very very very very bad thing to do. I really want to work hard this last quarter and finish everything off with a bang, especially since finals are coming up.

I also want to push myself to be a better me. I want to be the one person that always works really hard and is a dependable person that people like to talk to.

Some things I really want to work on and stay dedicated to are:
   ~Dancing: I want to really work on stretching and strength exercises to be the dancer I want to be
   ~Exercising/Staying fit: I want to eat healthier and be more enthusiastic about exercising. Thank goodness for some amazing friends who force me to go outside and work out with them. :)
   ~Having a more positive outlook on life.
I want to be an inspiring person, and I also want to be inspired.

That being said, I also want to enjoy myself more often. I feel like sometimes I just focus too much on school work and then I get stressed out, which basically ruins my entire day because it's all I am thinking about. Sometimes I feel like I need to slow down a lot more with my life, especially as I get older. I only have three more years left living with my family, and I really need to make every moment count. I want to enjoy my mornings much more, and be much more involved with my friends. I really want to work on just loving the world and everything that is going on in my life.

{And now for some pictures...yay!}

This morning I woke up earlier than normal to enjoy the sunrise while reading a little bit...and it was so worth it. It was so beautiful and peaceful. What I love about my house is that the windows do not have any screens, and since my bed is right next to my window, I just opened it up, sat on my bed, hung my legs out the window, and enjoyed the beautiful morning air. I will definitely be doing this more was such a positive start to my day.

My family and I went to see the cherry blossoms in D.C. They were beautiful beyond words, and we had such a fun time just spending time together as a family.

(I'm the freakishly pale one on the left)
My friends and I decided to go to King's Dominion over Spring Break, and it was SO MUCH FUN! I loved being able to travel around with my friends, especially since they are all such amazing people. It was a great experience and hopefully we'll be able to do something fun like this again.

All in all, I just want to have fun these last few months of freshmen year. I want to spend more time with everyone I love, and do more things that I love. I can't wait to see what kinds of things May has in store.

Lots of love,

P.S Today is the 16th anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. Small moment of silence for the deaths of so many great characters :(

{Check out Wednesday's post}


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