On Being Beautiful

I cannot tell you how good it feels to be typing up a post for this blog again. I don't even know how long it has been since I last posted, but so much has been going on that The Bookworm Blogger has been on the back of my mind.
I talked about having to move back to South Carolina after being in Virginia for a year, but I didn't realize how much of a toll that would take on my emotional and mental health. A lot changed over the course of a year and for a while I felt as if I did not belong here anymore. I missed my friends from Virginia terribly because we had such great times together, and I suppose I just got too lonely for my own good. I found myself in a very bad mental state that I might have the courage to talk about in a later post, but with the help of some old friends, encouraging and inspiring books, and  learning to write again, I've been able to come full circle with a better mindset and better confidence in myself.
I've learned to call myself beautiful, which I think is so vital for everyone to learn because today's society has set a standard for beauty which is not only unfair but almost morally wrong. I've learned to call other people beautiful, which has changed the way I look at people for the better. Not judging others keeps me from comparing myself to other people and keeps me from being rude to those who may be feeling extremely insecure in themselves and are just looking for someone to talk to.
I realized how delicate people's self-esteems are. An ego really is a very curious thing. Four of my closest friends are struggling with their weight and accepting themselves as beautiful, and this has had such an impact on me. They have all come such a long way since the beginning of the year and I am so blessed to be with them on their journeys of self-discovery. I've written poems to encourage them, and the feeling I got when I saw that they had taped it to their walls or mirrors is indescribable.
I realized how much of an impact one person can have. I'm just over five feet, so feeling small is nothing new to me, but this year I have come to notice that even the smallest of people can have a big impact. Whether it's handing out compliments or smiles or just being happy in general, anyone has the power to make someone feel better about themselves.
All in all, I'm super excited to get this blog running again. I feel like a new person with a very different insight on life, and I'm super pumped to share with you my thoughts and new books that I pick up along the way.

Lots of love,


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