Quote Journaling

I am still fairly new at this whole blogging thing and am working on making this blog better for everyone, especially myself. Hopefully everyone who does end up reading this is enjoying what I have to share. And please, feel free to leave any comments and suggestions!!!!
Anyways, in this post, I just wanted to share something that helps me get in a better mood or boost my confidence up a little. I don't know if it's just me and it's another one of my weird traits, but sometimes just reading really inspiring quotes helps me have a much more positive outlook on life, especially when I'm having a bad day. I've come across so many that I just loved, but ended up forgetting about them anyways. I honestly don't know how this all started, but just this year I've began to do something called quote journaling. The name is pretty much all there is to it - you write down quotes you like in a journal. It's a super simple thing, but it's so nice to just turn to the pages in my journal and have encouragement handy if I need it. I've written down everything from Bible verses to Disney character quotes. But honestly, it really just helps me get through a rough day if I can read a quote that's encouraging, inspiring, or even funny. I can't express to you how much it can really turn around a bad day if you can focus on something positive.

Here's an example of one of my pages. :) If you're having a hard time finding good quotes, I suggest trying Pinterest.

Lots of love,

{Check out Monday's post}


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