Weekly Fangirl Fetish: Fangirl

This book was all kinds of perfect, and I am pretty sure practically any fangirl can relate to this book in some way. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell is definitely one of my new favorite books. I mean, how often do you find a book that is actually about fangirls. Not only that, but the main character herself is a fangirl - a hopeless, totally obsessed, everyday fangirl.

This story follows the life of Cath, a girl who has been oh so obsessed with Simon Snow since forever. She only wears Simon Snow t-shirts, her room is covered with Simon Snow posters, and she is one of the most popular Simon Snow fanfiction authors ever. Her twin sister and only friend, Wren, was Simon Snow crazed right along with her. But soon they both find themselves in college, Wren and Cath taking very different paths. While Wren prefers going out to frat parties with her new (and frankly, less responsible) friends, Cath would rather hide in her dorm room and write Carry On, Simon, her most popular piece of fanfiction ever. As Cath watches her entire world change in front of her eyes, she has to learn to become her own person without Wren, and even without Simon Snow, or she won't ever be able to make it on her own.

One of the things I loved about this book was the absolute truth of it. Rainbow Rowell doesn't sugar coat being the weirdo of the school, or even being a fangirl in general. She truthfully depicts a girl whose life has consisted of nothing but words and books, of fictional worlds and characters who are nothing less than a best friend. I suppose the reason I liked Cath so much, and this story, is because she reminds me of myself (embarrassingly enough).

Once again, Rainbow Rowell's characters are vibrant and alive, which is why I love her work so much. Her characters are completely realistic and relatable. Her love stories don't consist of super hot model guys or beautifully stunning girls, but of boys who are quirky and of girls who would much rather hide in the background than be noticed by everyone. Her love stories are usually not mushy, so I highly recommend her books to everyone. The only flaw in Fangirl was the I felt that the action didn't really lock up until the end. A lot of it was very character-building, but it was interesting just the same. If you prefer books with a little more action, than Fangirl may not be as great a book.

Lots of love,


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