The Road

I do not recommend this book to anyone who is not willing to annotate and think while they read. Trust me, if you don't take notes while you read this book, confusion will swallow you whole. It is obviously a very thought-through and "everything done in this book has a literary importance" kind of book. This book is not my favorite. It is pretty depressing and scary at times. I do appreciate it for its emphasis on literary usage. For example, because this book is based in a post-apocalyptic world, no punctuation  (except periods) is used. Why, you ask? Because society and government no longer exist. They are back in simple times, and so he uses no punctuation to emphasize the loss of culture. Extremely clever, right?
However, I have to say that I did not really like the story. The Road is about a man and his son who are trying to survive in this terrible post-apocalyptic world. It was a little bland and confusing at times. It could have used a little more oomf and a little more action. And don't even get me started on the ending. I did not like it. At all. I'm so upset and mad. 
I do applaud Cormac McCarthy for creating such a genius book. It's also a movie, so once you finish the book, go ahead and settle down on the couch with a nice bowl of popcorn. I guarantee you will lose your appetite about five minutes into the movie.

Lots of love,


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