Dusting Yourself Off

Hey guys!!! So, for the first time, I am not writing a review on a book. Sorry if you were hoping for another review, but I promise one is coming soon! :)

Today I learned a pretty valuable lesson, which sounds extremely cheesy, but God was really telling me to share this with you guys. This year I am taking Geometry, and it has been one heck of a roller coaster. I've maintained a pretty good grade so far, but today I got back a quiz I had studied extremely hard for, and found out I totally flunked it. Most of you are probably thinking that it was just a quiz and it won't bring down my grade a ton, but as a student who has been working hard to do well, this was a huge blow on my ego. I wanted to curl up and cry, and basically just give up. I was tired of feeling like I was letting myself and my parents down in this class, since my grades were not exactly steady in Geometry. I'll admit it: I cried. It was a hard realization that I couldn't do everything in life perfectly, and to be honest I was ashamed of myself. I am my own worst critic, and probably my biggest bully. But today I learned that I can't let myself talk me out of stuff (if that made any sense). Instead of giving up like I desperately wanted to, I emailed my teacher asking for extra credit and explaining to her that I really wanted an A in this class. She replied immediately, telling me she has an extra credit worksheet that will help, and explaining that one quiz grade will not keep me from getting an A. That's when I realized that sometimes I let one bad grade get in the way of my grades for the whole class. I would nope around and give up, and that's not the kind of person I wanted to be. Though I haven't been learning Geometry very well this year, I've been learning how to admit to myself that I can't be perfect, and that I don't have to get an amazing grade to be a good person. Sometimes you just have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep on walking.

Lots of love,


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