To Kill a Mockingbird

I will say that I have never been a huge fan on classics. Though I wish I were able to read them more often, I never seem to be able to focus on the book when I am reading it. To Kill a Mockingbird, however, is one of the few exceptions. Though I will say the beginning is slow (beware this when you go to read it) it gets so much better. Things don't really start happening until the end, so don't give up reading it so soon!!!! Scout is one of my new favorite characters, probably because she is so unique and is very much unlike a lot of the female characters we read about today. Though I wish there could have been more things happening throughout the book, it has an amazing plot, perfect characters, and an ending that makes you just want to put down your book and reflect on how you are living your life.

-The Bookworm


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