Thirteen Reasons Why

This book has become very popular lately, but I know exactly why... it is so amazing!!! This book was written perfectly. It is not too sappy or cheesy, but just the right amount of drama, distress, and horrifying events that leave the reader speechless and heartbroken with a sudden urge to change the world. Jay Asher did an amazing job with this one.
I really can't give you an overcap of this book because it would definitely already give too much away, and with this book, you so do not want to read ahead to know what happens. Don't even ask your friends. I read this book in one day. This one definitely keeps you hooked. Everything seems to happen one after the other, and you want to keep reading to find out what a certain person has done next.
I know this is a really short entry and it makes it seem like not a good book because I didn't write enough, but I feel like if I keep writing I will give something good away. Just trust me. This book is amazing. Read it. End of discussion.

-The Bookworm


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