Summer Reading List 2014

Even though it's barely even summer and it's still pretty cold and rainy where I live, I am more than ready to be free of school and throw on my bathing suit. And of course, getting ready to read even more than I already do. (There is a very good reason as to why I am pale all year round.)
I decided that this summer I really wanted to actually focus on a book list and cross off some of the classics, as well as a few books that are becoming movies this year. I have only read actually read a few of these that are on my list so I can't exactly recommend them, but I will definitely be reviewing these all later on. However, these are all books I have heard great things about so I am hoping I won't be disappointed with any of them!!!!

15. The Great Gatsby- I read this book every summer whenever I go to the pool or the beach. It never fails to put me in the summer mood, and there is a reason this book is considered a classic. This one I actually can recommend to you, so seriously read this if you haven't!

14. The Fault in Our Stars- Obviously I have already read this one before (more than once), but I want to read it one more time before the movie comes out. I have a full review of the book here. Honestly, I always recommend reading a book before the movie adaptation comes out, even if you have already read it. Especially this book. I am praying they do an amazing job with it. (Speaking of which, I found this song called "Not About Angels" by Birdy and it's on the TFiOS album and I am obsessed with it. It's so beautiful and fits the movie perfectly and I am going to go cry now.)

13. Time After Time- This is one of those books that I kind of just randomly picked up at the library. I just started it and it's pretty good so far, though I am not incredibly impressed. Still, though, it's a cute summery romance story. Think The Time Traveler's Wife.

12. The Two Princesses of Bamarre- This is more of a younger book, but it's always been something that I have wanted to read. It seems like such a sweet story, and I would recommend it to anyone who loves fairytales and loves their sister-it will be easy to relate to.

11. The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings Series- Again, another classic. This is obviously a series everyone needs to at least try to read, and I want to try the books out this summer and see how it goes.

10. Wuthering Heights- I can't express how many times I have attempted to read this one. It's not that it's boring or anything, but I just find it a little hard to follow at times. I really want to actually finish reading it this summer, because I heard it's also a really good classic.

9. Allegiant- I already know what happens in this book, so that's kind of unfortunate. I honestly am not a fan of Veronica Roth's writing, but I would like to finish this series.

 8. The Book Thief- I have always really wanted to read this book, and I was excited to find out that the movie had come out earlier this year. Of course, I'm waiting to read the book before I watch the movie, but I will definitely be doing a Book v. Movie review. I already know this book is going to be such a work of art, and I am excited to start it.

7. Fahrenheit 451- I have always been a fan of any futuristic government type books, and this one is a classic, so I know I have to give it a chance this summer. Maybe I will be able to knock out some reading for school as well.

6. Prodigy (Legend Series)- This is the sequel to Legend, which was last week's Fangirl Fetish. I'm just hoping that the series remains as exciting as the first book was.

5. If I Stay- This is also becoming a movie. I saw the preview, and it looked like a very good story. It's another romance novel, so I hope that it is actually original!

4. The Selection Series- I have heard a lot of good things about this series. I think the last book came out just recently, like this week or last week. A lot of my friends were freaking out about it, so I suppose it's pretty good. It will be fun to have another series to try out over the summer.

3. Speak- This is one of those "Read Before You Die" books, and it sounds like a very well written book. Laurie Halse Anderson is a fairly good writer, so I'm excited to read this one.

2. Wintergirls- Another Laurie Halse Anderson book. Honestly, she has really great ideas for all of her books, and not one that I've read has really disappointed me. Wintergirls is about Lia, a girl who is struggling to accept who she is, and turns to anorexia and self-harm. This is definitely a very emotional book, so I wouldn't suggest this to any of the light-hearted.

1. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl- This one is for all of the TFiOS fans out there. It's supposed to be another cancer love story. I haven't heard a ton about it, but it seemed like it would be another great read.

I will try to review everything on the list once I finish each book. I am super excited to start riding my bike to the pool with a book in my basket. :) Summer, please hurry up!

Lots of love,


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