Weekly Fangirl Fetish: When Godly People Do Ungodly Things

Previous Fetishes: Divergent Series
Last week was sort of a rough week for me. First of all, it was the week after Spring Break, so that itself is pretty self-explanatory. Also, we just started the evolution unit in biology. Now don't get me wrong, I do not mind at all learning about evolution. It's interesting to learn about a different point of view and understand more of what the Bible was saying through that. However, this teacher, as well as a lot of people in my class, were not all that kind about the Christian faith. They were making fun of the Christians' belief in God the entire class, and my teacher would join in at times. It was a very difficult class to go through, especially since I do not have many friends in that class. Thankfully, I also have amazing friends that I can turn to in times of need, and this particularly amazing and beautiful friend (check out her blog here) was there for me, comforted me, and gave me some amazing advice. She sent me bible verses to encourage me and they helped so much. And let me just say, I have had the most spiritual weekend I have ever had, and I knew God was at work in my life. I saw Heaven is For Real for the second time with one of my good friends, and God speaks to me every single time I watch that movie. My friend and I had a very powerful and inspiring talk about the movie and just about our faith in God in general. We really helped each other just understand our faith and just really opened up and encouraged each other. I highly recommend you go to see the movie; it is mind-blowing. It's also a book, so if you haven't read it, check it out. They are both incredibly inspiring.
So basically, my Fangirl Fetish of the week is God. Shouldn't God be the Ultimate One we fall in love with over and over again?
And of course, I have a book to go along with it (besides Heaven is For Real).
I am currently obsessed with Beth Moore. She is an excellent writer and speaker, and you know God is speaking through her and uses her to touch each and every one of us. One of my favorite books that she's written is When Godly People Do Ungodly Things. It has helped me better understand how the devil works in my life and what he can do to twist my actions into sins. But don't worry, Beth Moore also gives you everything you need to know to punch the devil right back in the face. She arms you with the Scripture and the love of God, and what could possibly scare the devil more than that?

Lots of love,


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